Friday, February 25, 2011

You Do Not Mess With My Thin Mints

Hersha Howard went nuts when she suspected her roommate of eating her Thin Mint cookies. The 400 pound woman woke up her roommate around 1 a.m. screaming about her missing cookies. They argued for awhile and then Howard jumped on top of her roommate and began punching her in the face. 

The roommate, Jasmin Wanke, was rescued by her husband who pulled the larger woman off of his wife. That lasted about 2 minutes. Howard then grabbed a pair of scissors and chased Wanke around the apartment. She got rid of the scissors when she ran by a board laying in the apartment. Wanke got whacked several times. 

The fight moved into the kitchen where Howard pushed Wanke around with her big body and then bit the woman's breast and hit her in the head several times. Again the husband got them separated and somehow restrained Howard until the police arrived. 

I have to side with Howard on this one. Those cookies are only available once a year and a box is $4 these days. They are like a rare gemstone...very precious. I had a craving so bad one summer I tried to break into the Girl Scout headquarters in New York City, only to find out the cookies are produced by ABC Bakers in 4 different factories around the US. I probably should have done a little research before breaking in. I did manage to get every Brownie badge known to man. Sold them to the girls on the block and paid for my trip to NY. 

I sympathize with Hersha so much that I am shipping my last box of Thin Mint cookies to her jail cell in Naples, FL. I got your back girl! 


  1. Oh Woprah.....I feel the same way about the
    chocolate, coconut, carmel Samoas! I ate an entire box right in front two friends this past weekend without offering them a single cookie...I could have eaten another box if I had only had them....Yep I would go to war for those babies!!!

  2. If I was to go to war over food, it would be a bag full of fresh-steamed crabs right out of the Chesapeake...or...a cherry cheesecake.

  3. The last time I listened to you about food, it was the Town House Flatbread Crisps. My wife tried them and now we have enough on hand to feed the Chinese Army.

  4. LOL I was so sad this morning when I went grocery shopping and they were all out of those Town House Crisps. Those are awesome!
    Anon...never had fresh steamed crabs...putting that on my food to do list.
    Nu G...glad to see someone shares my Girl Scout cookie problem.
