Sunday, April 17, 2011

Joan Jett + Miley Cyrus = Disaster

Oprah, you have screwed the pooch once again.

I had heard Joan was going to be featured on an Oprah episode of 70's and 80's rockers so I recorded it. Joan was outstanding as usual but here is where it gets mucked up. Oprah paired Joan with Miley Cyrus. Yep, you heard me. So I have to sit and listen to Miley sing along with Joan on "Bad Reputation", "Cherry Bomb" and "I Hate Myself for Loving You". While this is going on, Oprah a.k.a. the devil, is out in the audience fist pumping and trying to dance. After their performance, Oprah went up and hugged Miley like 100 times but only touched Joan once and looked frightened she might have caught something from Joan. Oh Oprah.

I have loved Joan Jett since I was 9-years-old. I had a babysitter that would play "I Love Rock-N-Roll" over and over and over. After years of listening to Barry Manilow and The Carpenters with my mom, my little ears were about to explode from pure pleasure.

Joan and I have had some memories over the years. I have been on the front row for 2 of her concerts, met her once and was run off the road by her tour bus driver. I suppose maybe I should explain the tour bus memory.

Joan was in concert here in town. My BFF Cindy and I had tickets and went to see her. We left the show and went cruising around town singing to our Joan tapes at the top of our lungs. What do we see??? Joan's bus parked at the Wendy's. We circle and circle, neither one of us brave enough to get out of the car. So we park and watch. Well some dude went in and picked up Joan a #1 combo and hopped back on the bus. So we followed. Followed all through town and when the bus gets on the interstate we keep following. This might have been where we made our mistake.

We pulled up along side the bus honking and waving. "We love you Joan," we screamed. I passed the bus and got in front of them for awhile, then they passed me and again we are honking and waving. This was so much fun! I made my move to pass the bus again and next thing I know the bus is coming over into my lane.  No signal, nothing. Runs us off into the median. That pretty much did me in for the Joan fun for one evening. I placed my shaking hands back on the steering wheel and headed directly home.

Yes, technically Joan tried to kill us but that has not stopped Cindy and I from loving her. If Joan is playing remotely close to our town we get tickets and pretend for a night we are back in high school. Oh those were the days.


  1. Joan rocks. By the time Miley is her age she will be a forgotten has-been.

  2. Oh WO you forgot an important detail of that night, one that might have been the main reason we were ran off the road. We were dressed like Joan, white makeup, black lipstick, black hair and black clothes. People actually would cross the street when they saw us two bad asses coming that night!!!

  3. Are you sure that was the night we dressed like her? I was thinking we did that the last show she played here in Joplin...thought this was time before.
    We did look very scary. Couldn't find that photo or I would have posted it in place of Joan's. LOL
