Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Someone is Taking This Dancing Show a Little Too Seriously

My mother just called. Apparently Petra Nemcova was just kicked off "Dancing With the Stars".

I said, "Yea, duh she sucked."

This apparently made the mother a wee bit crabby. She says to me, "What? She was very sweet."

My retort..."Being sweet doesn't mean you can dance. Look at me...I am sweet and I cannot dance a lick nor would I ever expect to win a dancing contest for my sweetness."

And she says, "You're not sweet!"


Uh huh. Ok, where did I put the number for my shrink????


  1. um...is there a possibility that your mom has passed on her sweet disposition to you?? I'm not implying that you aren't sweet or anything...but Chan~~~ you are no Petra on the sweetness scale.
    Sorry. Anyway...I have a number for a great shrink!!

  2. What is the deal with Petra??? I am thrilled she is gone. She was BORING. I don't care about sweet. When I die, if anyone were to say, "she was sooooooo sweet." I would come back and haunt their ass. Sweet=BORING.

  3. You definitely don't seem boring to me; sweet I'm not sure about. As for DWTS, I'm betting Steeler fans will out text Scientologists.
