Thursday, April 7, 2011

Use a Taser Next Time

8-year-old Aiden Elliott went on a rampage at his grade school. He had thrown a TV, chairs and was wielding a foot long piece of wood trim with a sharp point to use as a weapon.
The teachers got as many kids as they could out of the room and locked them in an office just to get away from the kid. Aiden took a cart and was trying to bust the door down to get to them. The police were called out.
The police tried to talk him down but he was just not responding and even spewed out, “Come get me, f ------ !”
They then decide to spray him with pepper spray. The first dose was blocked by the kid with a piece of cardboard he was carrying with him. 2nd dose gets him in the side of the head and down he goes.
Yesterday the mother and lunatic child made appearances on TV saying the police never should have used pepper spray on the child. It was just too much.
Too much??? Shooting the kid MIGHT have been too much. Using pepper spray, not so much.
Then we discover this is not the first time the cops were called out to tame this beast. They had seen this child twice before this incident! Both times they were able to talk him down.
 This woman should be ashamed of herself. She has raised a child that has zero respect for other people, including authority and elders.  She should have also kept her butt off of TV. If this were my child, I would be mortified. I would have the shrinks come in and determine if I should ship him off to the nutty farm, not giving him a reward by appearing on the “Today Show” and “Good Morning America”.
I hate to say it but this kid doesn’t stand a chance. In 10 years or sooner, he will be appearing before a judge because he stabbed someone or beat someone or ran someone over with his monster truck just to watch them go squish. This child has serious mental issues.
I cannot believe teachers have to deal with this crap. They are not paid near enough to deal with fruitcakes like this all day long. When Christmas rolls around this year, please buy your kid’s teacher a weapon to protect herself. That would be far more practical than an Applebee’s gift card.
Mandy Elliott, get a clue! Get this kid some help before he seriously injures someone.


  1. YES, YES, Yes. We saw this pair on the Today show and my wife made the observation that in 10 years this kid will come to school with a black trenchcoat and a duffel full of guns. Mother says he's in therapy. It's not working.

  2. Ok I went off....wrote a huge comment...but the darn thing didn't post. I guess God was watching out for me....teacher's shouldn't comment on such issues.
