Friday, January 21, 2011

Love Bites Can Be Deadly

Here is a weird story for you...a woman in New Zealand was partially paralyzed after getting a hickey on her neck. Mr. Vacuum Lips sucked so hard on a major artery that it dislodged a blood clot that went to the woman's heart, causing the stroke.

This story makes me want to put a muzzle on anyone that might possibly touch me. Hickeys are just gross to begin with and now that I have found out they can make you paralyzed...forget about it!

The White Oprah is making this her personal crusade to save lives. "Hickeys Hurt People" bumper stickers will be available at your local Starbucks in the weeks to come. Get one and let the world know you don't suck!


  1. When are the "Hickeys Hurt People" T-Shrits coming out?? I want one

  2. White Oprah is posting too fast for me to keep up. I too read this in the news; I promise not to suck anymore.
