Monday, January 24, 2011

Striving To Be Like Tabitha

This is not what I had planned to write about tonight. Yes, hard to believe but the White Oprah plans out her blog posts a few days in advance. Crazy, I know.

I was driving in the car today listening to the audio cd of Stephen King. It is his book called, "Writing". So far he has just basically gone over this life story. One story that I heard on the way home struck me. Stephen was a professor at a local college and writing fiction in his spare time. Two different ideas crossed paths, these ideas turned into the novel, "Carrie." He had read an article on telekinetics and an incident with girls throwing tampons at a girl that had just gotten her period, trying to humiliate her. He typed out 3 pages on a typewriter, looked them over and just felt like he could not relate to teenage girls and threw them away. That night he came home and his wife, Tabitha, had pulled them out of the trash, smoothed them all out and told him he needed to finish this. He spoke with her about how he doesn't understand teenage girls, etc and she told him she would help him. The rest as they say is history.

The story blew my mind. What if she had never pulled those pages out of the trash? What if she had not believed in him? I started thinking how important it is to have people in your life that will tell you the truth. To have people in your life that believe in you. To have people in your life that will give you the swift kick in your arse that you need to get going. I have many Tabitha's in my life. I have a greater appreciation for them and want to improve myself to become the best Tabitha I can be. You never know when someone is on the verge of something great and all they need is just a little push in the right direction.


  1. You are a Tabitha...there have been so many times you have been the kick in maybe not my arse...but that part of a person that keeps them plugging away. Thank You for being my friend.

  2. I will be happy to kick you in the ass. When are you going to "discover" your long lost sister?

  3. My parents weren't like that. Married for 12 years, pooped out 2 girls and divorced. Neither had anymore children after us. Think they were scared they might turn out like me.
