Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fountain Jumps Out of Nowhere

Ok well this video is pretty funny. I know texting and driving is dangerous but texting and walking?? The woman works in this mall and should have realized she would be coming up on a fountain at some point. She is angry because no one came to help her. Hey dummy! It is because they are rolling around on the ground laughing.

Normally I would not make fun of something like this but this woman is now turning her stupidity into a lawsuit. Nice.


  1. What a dumbass I read where she is charged with stealing and maxing out a co-workers credit card

  2. Mall security probably violated her privacy by putting the video on YouTube, but come on, sometimes you have to just laugh at yourself.

  3. Hey Phil...yea I saw that after I had posted this...she is just looking to gain some $$$$. Otherwise why not just remain one would have ever known. are right the security folks should not have put the footage on YouTube but they did and it is done so just laugh it off and stop going on every news show that will have you.

  4. Hey...anyone that calls their husband "Daddy"...well~~~just kinda sounds sickish...Moral of the story is Don't TEXT
