Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gwyneth and Her Goop

I like celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow. She can act, she can sing, she is a wife and a mother. I have discovered her latest talent...blogging. Well, GOOP started as a blog but now is really a full-fledged website with newsletters and beautiful photos.

Now reason number one of why I like going to her site is... well I am just nosy and like to see how celebrities live. Not too long ago she shared some photos of the apartment they fixed up to live in while she filmed "Country Strong" in Nashville. It was just an amazing place.

Another reason is she shares travel information as she goes around the world. There are parenting tips on there, some of the best shops to go to, name it and Gwynie (that is what I call her because we are tight) has it on her site. Of course most of the items she buys are well out of my "not Orpah yet" budget. But it is just kind of fun to look.

So if you get a chance...go by and tell Gwynie I sent you!

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