Monday, April 4, 2011

Someone Skipped Art Appreciation Class

A woman went nuts Friday at the National Gallery of Art. She tried to yank this painting off the wall and was banging on the plastic that protected the piece. The woman was screaming, "This is evil!"

The painting by Paul Gauguin is called "Two Tahitian Women".  It was on display as part of a special Gauguin exhibit.

The woman was arrested and charged with destruction of property and attempted theft. Now I am not sure why they would charge her with theft because clearly she did not like the piece enough to hang over her fireplace. I imagine she just wanted to smash it into a few hundred pieces there in the gallery.

The painting was to be examined today for damage. This was painted way back in 1899 so I hope she didn't rough it up too much.

After taking a look at the painting, I am not sure what she got so crabby about. Yes there are two women showing their breasts. Has she never been exposed ( exposed...get it? hehehe) to art before? How are boobies evil? I don't understand but clearly this woman was off her meds on Friday.


  1. Maybe she objected to the boobs clearly resting on the plate of food. And is the other chick looking at the food or the boobs?

  2. The painting should not be displayed in public. It is in poor taste. I don't care who the artist is, you can't do whatever you want and call it art. The artwork isn't even that good, and the painting would probably not even be famous if it weren't for the exposed breasts.

  3. Anon...are you being serious? There are so many great works of art that expose body parts and pieces and you don't feel like they should be displayed in public? How would we ever have been able to appreciate Michelangelo's Statue of David? I don't agree with you on this one. Sorry. But thanks for commenting and giving a different opinion.

  4. Yes, I'm serious. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should. There are places for nudity, and public is not it. I am raising children, and this immorality is unacceptable to me. David should have been sculpted with a wrap of some kind on. It's talent, but that doesn't give free rein.

  5. Well...having raised 2 children of my own... I must say that there is a difference between art and pornography. I can't imagine life without all the beautiful "works" that have come down thru the ages of time from the masters. Anon...there are many cultures in this beautiful world we live in that still have a dress code very similar to the the ladies in the art we are discussing. Trust me...I think the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is disgusting...but true art I have to embrace.
