Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oh No You Didn't!

I love Walgreens. It is probably my 2nd favorite store in the whole world (Best Buy= #1). I was in Walgreens this morning as a matter of fact. I had a bit of a personal issue that was in need of some attention. Louie, the store manager, helped me find the ointment I needed and even put rubber gloves on to handle my ointment after I brought it to the counter. What service!

So when you mess with Walgreens, you are messing with Woprah. You don't wanna mess with Woprah.

See photo above. This lunatic got mad because they would not give him his meds, because he is stupid and brought in the wrong paperwork. So Mr. Man decides to whiz on the cough drop section. This was noticed after the man had left the store and a clerk walked by thinking she smelled urine. Quick check of the security tape and the crime is confirmed. It is estimated the man ruined $300 worth of cough drops.

So I am hereby issuing a Woprah warrant for this retard's arrest. Well, you don't really have to arrest him, just knock him down and hold him until I can get there. I will take care of the rest.


  1. It's a good thing he got the cough drops. If he'd hit something else that was more valuable, this might have been a felony. When you catch up with this guy, take a video of it; this I gotta see!

  2. Oh I am sure this will be all over Youtube once I get my hands on him.

  3. Was this your local Walgreen's? I recommend castration.
