Thursday, February 24, 2011

White Oprah Endorses...Hydroxatone

I know all the guys are quickly clicking off my blog right now trying to hustle over to Slow your roll boys. This info just might get you in good with the wifey or girlfriend.

I had heard good things about this product. I rarely wear makeup and made the rationalization that maybe I should spend some money on taking care of my skin since I don't spend much on makeup. I can rationalize the crap out reasons I need to spend money.

Anywho, I went to and they had a price tag on this little jar of $80. Ouch. So I went to my most beloved website of all and found myself a jar for $50 and free shipping.

This product is to be used in the morning and at night but I am lucky if I remember to put it on at night. I have been putting this on my face for around two weeks now and I just cannot believe the difference in my skin. It is so soft and smooth. I love this stuff! I wonder what my face would be like if I actually put it on twice a day. I am sure my face would be so hot they would put me on the cover of "Vogue".

The White Oprah totally endorses this product. Hydroxatone, if you see your sales go up this month feel free to ship a case of this stuff to my house.


  1. Shameless pandering for free swag. Doesn't become you.

  2. LOL it is expensive and I don't have real Oprah dough yet!

  3. If you have fine lines and wrinkles on your skin, and think surgery is your only answer, the answer may surprise you. Surgery DOES NOT eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. The good news is that researchers has found a proven solution, the ingredient found in the anti aging breakthrough Hydroxatone.

    Hydroxatone Reviews

  4. This product is to be used in the morning and at night but I am lucky if I remember to put it on at night. I have been putting this on my face for around two weeks now and I just cannot believe the difference in my skin. It is so soft and smooth.
    Anti Wrinkle Cream Reviews

  5. As you can see, Hydroxatone's powerful ingredients is clinically proven to tighten your skin, erase the visible fine lines and deep wrinkles, and boost collagen that gives young skin its firmness.
    Revitaderm Cream

  6. Hydroxatone is developed as the most advanced anti-aging skin care system available today. With the ingredients blended in Hydroxatone are clinically proven to tighten skin, visible erase fine lines and wrinkles, and boost collagen production in your skin.
    Relift XS

  7. I rarely wear makeup and made the rationalization that maybe I should spend some money on taking care of my skin since I don't spend much on makeup.
    Perfect Radiance
