Friday, February 18, 2011

My Interview With Michael Vick

Me:  Talk show hosts making wagers over getting you on their shows. What made you cancel the Oprah Show and come here?
Vick: White Oprah is where it’s at right now.
Me: Sucking up will usually get you everywhere with me, but not in your case Mister. How was prison?
Vick: It changed my life, made me a better man. I finally got a perspective on my life that I never had before.
Me: Uh huh. So you get out and off to the Eagles you go. What was it like to be playing in the NFL again?
Vick: Playing football is where I am supposed to be. Kolb getting hurt was a real blessing.
Me: Um, a blessing for you but a disaster for him since you stole his job. Too bad you can’t go to prison for that too.
I have to admit dog killer, that I loved watching you play football. I still love to watch you play, but it is different now… you are tainted. Your talent amazes me and I love to watch, but at the same time I want you to fail miserably.  
Vick: Woprah, I have paid for my crime. I went to prison, I lost everything I had and I give to charities.
Me: Mr Vick, you have not come close to paying for this crime. You took innocent animals and made them fight all for a few bucks, which you really didn’t need.  I do know that you will truly pay for this crime eventually. Ok, well I feel better, how about you?
Vick: Not really. I gotta get out of here…going to a birthday party for one of my cousins. Want me to sign some stuff before I go? Jersey? Photos?  I could make it out : “To Woprah I chose you over Oprah, Love Mikey” and you could post it on your website.
Me:  Hell no. Get out of here before I sic my dog on your ass.


  1. It amazes me the level of vitriol that he continues to have directed towards him. Other guys are killing people, beating their wives, imbezzling, neglecting and/or making too many kids. All he did was make a business out of some dumb animals. Not that I'm for that, not at all, but really, it's time to let go here.

  2. That's better than any interview the devil Oprah would have done. I love the cousin's birthday party reference; somebody sure to get shot there. I know my cousins birthday parties always end up with somebody getting a cap in their ass.

    Anonymous, the difference is that people have the ability to reason and make decisions, good or bad choices. Animals don't have that ability and Vick and his posse made the choices for them, then when they were of no use to them, killed them. Takes a real cold heart to do that to an animal. He paid his debt to society and should be able to play and make a living. I don't have to forgive him.

  3. Anon-thanks for the comment. I agree that there are other players that have done other horrible things. I would also say I don't think the NFL is nearly tough enough on the players.
    As Grumpy stated to do something to an animal takes a real cold heart. The stories of what was done to some of those dogs just breaks my heart. No matter how great of a player he is, I just don't think I will ever be able to forget or forgive.

  4. Fine. I still don't get it, and think he is an easy target. All the real crap that is going on in the world, and still holding on to this? I just got better things to do is all.
