Monday, February 21, 2011

"Go Ahead, Make My Day"

A man in Latvia was shot to death for eating his popcorn too loudly during a showing of “The Black Swan”.  A 27 year old man was arrested for the shooting, which occurred as the credits were rolling.
I have been irritated by people in the movies before, but never for the way they ate their popcorn. I can only imagine how loud it must have been to enrage a man enough to start shooting.  Surely there were a few other options instead of shooting him.
A.       He could have snuck up behind him and put him in a UFC choke hold.  Just put him to sleep for the rest of the movie. 
B.      He could have moved a few rows away from the man so it would not be so loud.
C.      He could have stolen the man’s popcorn and dumped it in the trash.

Movie courtesy is something that has gotten more and more lax over the years. Cell phones users are the majority of the problem. The phone will either ring during the movie or they will text, which lights up the phone about as bright as a flashlight. People will get up and down 20 times and cross in front of you without consideration. It makes me wonder if they have irritable bowel issues or incontinence. 
This past weekend I experienced probably the most irritation I have ever had during a movie. I took my niece to see, “Never Say Never” the Justin Bieber movie. A group of teens came in 30 minutes into the movie which was a distraction in itself. I knew I was in trouble when two of them plopped down right beside me. They squealed when Justin was shirtless in the movie. They were reaching out trying to touch the 3D images that were popping from the screen.  I cannot tell you how many times I thought of pulling my gum out of my mouth and putting it in her hair. By far the most annoying thing she did was sing every single word to every single song during the movie. Yes, even the rapping parts.
When I was 13 I had my first love there was nobody that compared to my baby and nobody came between us, no-one could ever come above.” She was no Ludacris.
 It was at that point I seriously began to have thoughts of kidnapping her and selling her on Ebay. Probably wouldn’t have gotten much for her.  
So the next movie you go to see, make sure you eat quietly, keep your cell phone off and sit your butt in the chair through the whole movie. You never know who might be packing that night.


  1. I can't begin to express my dismay at finding The White Oprah was at the Bieber movie.

  2. I concur. I expected MUCH more from her.

  3. Did you all skip over the part where I said, "I took my niece??" That little girl thinks I am the best thing since the Jonas Brothers. The look on her face was priceless so I don't mind suffering through a 2 hour Bieber fest for her. But only for her.

  4. CB I love the fact that you did that and i will tell you that I too took my niece to see that movie and she was thrilled. She loved the movie and I hate to admit it but I too did enjoy it...I know I shouldnt admit that but I did!!!

  5. Anon,
    It was not near as bad as I thought it would be and I took comfort in knowing he actually has some talent other than singing and looking cute. Thanks for the comment!
