Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Not Intended For Those With Weak Bladders

I love to laugh. It just makes me feel good all over.

If you have a cell phone with auto-correct I think you will get a kick out of this site. I cannot tell you how many times I have typed something like, "That guy was lame" then look to see my phone has sent, "That hit was lame." The other person thinks you are nuts or retarded. So you quickly try to re-send "guy" so they know the phone has screwed you once again and you do not need to be institutionalized.

If you want a good laugh and you think your bladder can hold from laughing so hard (mine did not) then go check out this site...damnyouautocorrect.com. Page after page filled of examples like the one I have posted. Just take it easy, I don't want to be running Depends to your house tonight.

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