Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ex-Girlfriend Making A Killing Selling Stuff On Ebay

This is "Taylor". Her friend and a neighbor tipped her off that her boyfriend was cheating on her while she was working. She kicked him out and started selling his stuff on Ebay. The catch? She poses with very little on while displaying the boyfriends stuff.

The woman is making a killing. I checked a few minutes ago and a plain white t-shirt autographed by "Taylor" was getting $61. Dress shirts were over $100.

She says that her boyfriend had been unemployed for 5 years and she had bought all this stuff for him so it was rightfully hers to sell.  Isn't that kind of rude to give a gift and take it back to sell?  I suppose it was rude of him to cheat on her though. What puzzles me is this...if you are this hot...why would you support your unemployed boyfriend for 5 years? I would have dumped him long before now. 

Obviously she doesn't want anyone to know who she is, so if I were the ex, I think I would start getting my butt on tv shows and exposing her. All is fair in love and war, correct? But so far no ex has come forward, which makes Woprah skeptical. Could she have made up this whole story to get publicity and money? And why do you have to be half naked to sell the stuff? In the interview she says it is because he liked her to dress very conservative and this is a way of telling him he has no say so anymore. She also said she was not vindictive. Uh huh.

I smell a rat. Only time will tell I suppose. If you are bored and like looking at photos of a half naked woman then go check out her site. Tell her Woprah sent you.


  1. Now you're talking; The White Oprah supplies links to soft porn. Track her down and get an interview.

  2. Hey I do everything I can to make you all happy. lol I will send her an e-mail and see what she says.

  3. You sell stuff on E-Bay, doncha? [nudge, nudge, wink, wink]
