Thursday, March 10, 2011

Give Me American Idol Or Give Me Imprisonment

Are all the crazy people in Florida?

Barran Prakash, 47, attacked two of his co-workers because they would not turn on "American Idol".

Prakash was preparing a meal in a hotel room Tuesday night and talking to his wife on the phone. His wife reminded him that the show was coming on. Prakash told the co-workers to change the channel to Idol. The two co-workers refused and Prakash put a butcher knife to the throat of one of them.

Cops were called and Prakash was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill.

So many questions...why was he sharing a hotel room with 2 co-workers? Why would a 47-year-old man be so obsessed with American Idol? Does he have a crush on Ryan? What was he cooking for dinner? Why did his wife tell him Idol was on Tuesday night? It wasn't. All that for nothing.


  1. Someone has issues is what i think...

  2. Probably a big Adam Lambert fan. LOL

  3. Nah, we Adam fans are smart enough to know he was on tonight, not Tuesday night. lol

  4. I can tell you he was cooking goat.

  5. Wow, maybe I could take a butcher knife to someone's neck when LOST was on, but seriously, American Idol?

    I haven't been watching this year, but my mom is a huge fan so I asked her how she likes Stephen Tyler.
    And OMG, she hearts Steven Tyler. LOL!

  6. Is that Sue from my writing class???? Yea!
    I was a Lost freak too.

  7. I smell a rat. All is not well in Denmark. How's that writing class coming?

  8. Hey Bill,
    That writing class is over but I have signed up for a magazine writing class that starts on Wednesday.

  9. I start Writeriffic II Wednesday.
    Yes, I was a LOST freak. I miss it this year.
